
Following consultation with State public health authorities regarding the current COVID-19 spread levels in Delaware, and after careful deliberation of the rapidly growing developments of the situation at a national level, the DSDS has updated its current recommendation to the following:

The DSDS strongly recommends that all Delaware dentists limit their practices to urgent/emergency care only until April 20, 2020.

Please refer to the most updated ADA guidelines regarding emergency vs. non-emergency dental care.

The DSDS does not make these recommendations lightly, as we are certainly aware of the hardship that ensues as we abide by these recommendations. We will continue to closely monitor the situation and provide relevant updates as the situation evolves. The fluidity of this pandemic makes it challenging to predict the status beyond a couple of weeks. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we decide how best to manage the dynamic nature of this pandemic in order to protect the health, safety and well-being of all Delawareans.

I appreciate your comments and questions, so please feel free to email me at


Dr. Cath Harris

Cathy Harris, DMD
DSDS President

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Delaware State Dental Society
892 Eichele Road
Perkiomenville, PA 18074-9510
Phone: 302-368-7634